Der ultimative Leitfaden zur Reinigung und Pflege deines Kühlschranks

In a clean and well -kept refrigerator, not only is hygienic, but also essential to keep the freshness of your food. In this blog post you will find out how you can effectively clean and maintain your refrigerator to create a healthy environment for your food.

1. Preparation is everything:

Before you start cleaning, it is important to prepare the refrigerator. Switch it off and pull the plug to save energy. Remove all foods and temporarily place them in a cool box to keep their freshness.

2. Removing deposits:

Take the shelves, drawers and other removable parts out of the fridge. These can be cleaned in warm soapy water. Stubborn stains can be removed with a mixture of baking powder and water. Let the parts dry well before using them again.

3. Clean the interior:

Now it is the turn of the interior of the refrigerator. Use a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1) to wipe off all inner surfaces. This not only helps to eliminate bacteria, but also neutralizes unpleasant smells. Make sure you clean the seals of the door thoroughly to ensure efficient sealing.

4. Eliminate fridge smell:

If your refrigerator has absorbed uncomfortable smells, you can put a bowl with soda or coffee powder in the fridge. These substances effectively absorb smells and keep the refrigerator fresh.

5. defrost the freezer:

If your refrigerator has a freezer compartment, it is important to remove the ice regularly. Switch off the freezer compartment, let the ice melt and then wipe the surfaces dry. Don't forget to keep the discharges free to ensure smooth drainage.

6. Regular care:

To keep your refrigerator permanently clean, you should regularly check whether food has expired and spoiled spilled liquids immediately. Occasional cleaning, at least once a month, helps to extend the lifespan of your refrigerator.


Maintaining your refrigerator is not only an act of hygiene, but also a contribution to the extension of its lifespan and to maintain the freshness of your food. By following these simple steps and regularly ensuring cleanliness, you create a healthy environment for your food and promote efficient cooling performance.

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