Insect killer
11 Products
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11 Products
How do I fight annoying insects such as mosquitoes, flying, moths and other insects?
Spring and summer seduce outdoor lingering. Unfortunately, mosquitoes, flies, moths and other insects often interfere when relaxed on warmer days. Mosquitoes and flies as well as other insects can also be found indoors. offers a large number of affordable and effective insect destructions and mosquito devices.
What types of insect killers are there?
There are many chemical insect destructions, natural home remedies or insect killers who work electrically. We only conduct ecological insect destructions that are operated electrically.
How does an insect killer work with UV lamp and intake?
Insect shells with intersection attract the insect with a UV lamp. A built -in fan then sucks the insect into the collecting container, where it remains. This type of insect killer is very ecological and noisy. So also suitable for the bedroom.
How does an insect killer work with UV lamp and high-voltage grille?
Here, too, the insects are attracted to a UV lamp. The UV lamp is surrounded by a high-voltage grille that gives a strong electrical blow as soon as the insect touches the wire. This method is very efficient, but with noise and odor formation is not very pleasant and not ideal for all rooms.
How do insect killers work with high frequency?
There are insect killers who emit a high frequency tone. This should then keep the mosquitoes away. Since you can neither see nor hear the result, it is difficult to prove the benefit. In addition, many people also hear the tone that can be very annoying for sensitive people.
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