air cleaner
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air cleaner - a blessing for all allergy sufferers
Every spring arises for allergy sufferers the same question: How do I get the best time through pollen? Of course, this can be treated with medication. An air purifier also helps for less severe cases or to support the treatment. Depending on the execution, this can also be used for removing smells, viruses, mold and dust or as a combination device with humidifier function to optimize the room air. The Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 has also flared up the topic of air purifiers.
How does an air purifier work?
air cleaner vacuuming The room air can be used by a fan, through various filters and then blow the clean air back into the room. There are combination devices that also moisturize the air by blowing them through a water filter or through slices rotating in water. These devices are also called air washers.
What types of filters are there in an air filter?
The quality of the clean air depends heavily on the filters used. There are different filters: the Pre -filter holds the coarse particles back like lint. The HEPA filter Aerosol particles and pollen filter from fine fibers. In the aerosols there are also viruses such as the covid virus that gets stuck here. Then comes the Active carbon filterthat neutralizes the smells and gaseous connections such as formaldehyde. Some air purifiers also have one UV lightthat kills the viruses. offers a large selection of high quality and cheapn Air cleaner from Olimpia-Splendid, Duux, Domo, Bimar, Venta and Media-Shop at.
What is a HEPA filter?
Hepa filter have the main part of the filter work of the air purifierS. Hepa comes from English High Efficiency Particulate Air (-Tilter), so translated: highly efficient particle filter. HEPA filters consist of very fine fiber optic mats that are chaotic and arbitrarily arranged and thereby have an enormously high filter output. In addition, they are installed in a frame in waves or lags, which enlarges the area many times over.
There are various filter strengths for the HEPA filters. The air filters used in air purifiers are HEPA H12, HEPA H13 and HEPA H14. These filter the air of particles as follows:
Hepa H12> 99.5%
Hepa H13> 99.95%
Hepa H14> 99,995%
How efficient is a air cleaner?
At tests e.g. Stiftung Warentest it was proven that aerosols with Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 in the room air with a Efficient air purifier can be reduced by up to 96%. In addition, air purifiers clean the air of pollen by 95% in a few minutes. Mold spores and dust are also filtered in the air purifier. Cleaned air also smells better. In combination with frequent bumper ventilation, a very good indoor climate can be achieved.
What is a Airwear Or Airwasher?
Air washers wash the air of coarse dirt and pollen. Plastic slices rotate in the water. The crazy air is blowed through the panes and the particles stick to the wet slices. So the dirt remains in the water tank. Efficient air washers also have additional filters, e.g. active carbon filters. In the Find high -quality and cheap air washers from VETTA.
What do I also pay attention to when buying an air purifier?
The strength of the air circulation is also important when buying. This is given in the M3/H (cubic meter per hour). The room air should be circulated 2-3 times an hour for normal use and 4-5 times an hour with allergy sufferers.
Which air cleaner Is the right one for me?
Before the purchase, you should be expected. How big is the space where the air purifier is? Example: LXBXH: 5 x 4 x 2.30 m = 46 m3 room volume. The next question is whether the device is required for allergy sufferers. In this case, a high HEPA filter degree and high air circulation must be selected. Even if smells, e.g. cigarette smoke and kitchen smells have to be filtered, the device needs an active carbon filter. If you are not sure, ask ours SPC Hotline, we will be happy to help you.
Which air cleaner Do I find in the
We have a wide range of high-quality and highly efficient and cheap air purifiers of the brands Olimpia-Splendid, Duux, Domo, Bimar, Venta and Mediashop. Check through the range and find your suitable device.