Ein gepflegter Rasen ist das Highlight eines jeden Gartens

However, proper care of the lawn is not always easy. Here are some tips that help you maintain your garden turf properly.

  1. Regular mowing: A well -kept lawn requires regular mowing. As a rule, you should mow the lawn once a week. The ideal mowing point is when the grass has reached about a third of its height. However, mowing should not be too short to promote growth and protect the grass from sunburn.

  2. Irrigation: regularly water your lawn to ensure that it gets enough water. It is important to water the lawn deep to ensure that the water gets to the root of the grass. However, do not pour too often to avoid overgrading and mold formation.

  3. Fertilize: fertilize your lawn at least twice a year to ensure that it gets enough nutrients. A mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is ideal for a healthy lawn.

  4. Remove weeds: weeds can affect the growth of the lawn and affect the aesthetics of the garden. Therefore, remove weeds regularly to ensure that your lawn stays healthy.

  5. Ventilation: ventilate your lawn at least once a year to make sure that he gets enough air. This can be done with a scarifier or a fork by sticking holes in the ground to ventilate the roots of the grass.

  6. Cut the edges: Cut the edges of your lawn regularly to ensure that it looks neat and well -kept. A straight edge can make the difference between a well -kept and an unkempt lawn.

  7. Regular inspections: Inspect your lawn regularly to ensure that he is healthy and has no damage. If you find problems such as brown spots or fungal attack, act quickly to fix the problem.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your garden lawn stays healthy and well -kept. It requires some work, but the sight of a well -groomed lawn will reward you for her efforts.





ich habe nur ein kleines Stück Rasen… aber die Produkte passen tiptop. Danke für die Tipps.



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