Kindererziehung: Ein Vergleich zwischen Gestern und Heute

Children's education has gone through significant change over time. The differences between education earlier and today not only reflect social changes, but also new knowledge about the development of children.

Child education earlier:

1. Authoritarian structures: In the past decades, children's education was often shaped by authoritarian structures. Parents set clear rules and expected children to obey without contradiction.

2. Strict discipline: Physical punishments were not uncommon. The cane or other punishment methods were viewed as normal ways to teach discipline.

3. Rollenklischen: Traditional role clichés shaped education. Girls were often focused on housework and social virtues, while boys were encouraged to physically demanding activities.

4. Authority of the teachers: Teachers and other adults enjoyed an almost unrestricted authority. Children had little say and were encouraged to unconditionally respect authorities.

Child education today:

1. Democratic approaches: Modern educational styles tend to be more democratic. Parents try to go into dialogue with their children and to involve them in decision -making processes.

2. Positive reinforcement: Physical punishments are increasingly being rejected, and instead, there is increasing positive reinforcement. Praise and rewards are used to promote desired behavior.

3. Gender neutrality: There are increased efforts to break gender stereotypes. Parents encourage their children to find their own way regardless of gender and interests.

4. Promotion of individual skills: Today, the development of individual skills is emphasized. Children are encouraged to discover their own talents and interests and their uniqueness is more accepted.

5. Participation and participation: Modern children are encouraged to express their thoughts and opinions. Teachers and parents see children as active participants in their own upbringing and not just as a passive recipient of instructions.


Children's education is a reflection of society, and the changes in educational style reflect the changing values. While earlier approaches were often shaped by authority and punishment, modern children's education stands for participation, respect for individuality and the promotion of positive behaviors. The focus is increasing to create a loving, supportive environment in which children can develop their personalities!

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