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Company - Medisana
Your health in good hands.
Medisana is now one of the leading specialists in the Home Health Care Market. For around 40 years we have been committed to the health of people under the motto "Your health in good hands". We are continuously working on the further development and manufacture of health products for end users - so that these products can help more and more people to independently and control their health independently and control, to treat yourself without risk and to actively promote your own well -being.
The health of humans is our demanding goal, which we pursue at Medisana with a strong team. A high degree of experience, internationality, enthusiasm for technology, creativity and motivation are just as natural as a good team spirit. The Medisana International documents our limitless activities in product development and sales. We use the resources of the world market and have built an international corporate structure with subsidiaries, license partners and sales customers in recent years. Medisana has been part of the Chinese Ogawa Smart Healthcare Technology Group Co.Ltd., One of the world's leading manufacturers of massage products since 2015.